VR - Voice of Russia
VR stands for Voice of Russia
Here you will find, what does VR stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Voice of Russia? Voice of Russia can be abbreviated as VR What does VR stand for? VR stands for Voice of Russia. What does Voice of Russia mean?Voice of Russia is an expansion of VR
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Alternative definitions of VR
- Virtual Reality
- Virtual Reality
- Voice Response
- Virtualis Reseller
- Validus Holdings, Ltd.
- VillageReach
- Voter Registration 2004
- Viva Rio
View 98 other definitions of VR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VIU Venice International University
- VIR Virginia International Raceway
- VABMB VA Baptist Mission Board
- VMG Valley Medical Group
- VSE Voice Systems Engineering
- VTC Virginia Transportation Corporation
- VAPLD Vernon Area Public Library District
- VAG Vernon Auto Group
- VI Voices for Independence
- VDC Vantage Data Centers
- VAG Vision Automotive Group
- VG The Visionary Group
- VVC Valley Vista Care
- VBSD Van Buren School District
- VSC Virginia Society of Cpas
- VKPI Vidya Knowledge Park India
- VMA Virgin Money Australia
- VPD Victoria Police Dept
- VSMU Volgograd State Medical University
- VCDD Village Community Development District